We continue to catch up over coffee on the first Thursday of the month where we encourage all women to come along to discuss the highs and lows of business, motherhood or whatever your daily struggle may be! So bring along the kids or your business plan to engage with other like-minded women in a casual setting upstairs at Rossco’s Café in Belgrave Street.
$0 all attendees
All Members (Old and New) and Guests are welcome
We continue to catch up over coffee on the first Thursday of the month where we encourage all women to come along to discuss the highs and lows of business, motherhood or whatever your daily struggle may be! So bring along the kids or your business plan to engage with other like-minded women in a casual setting upstairs at Rossco’s Café in Belgrave Street.
$0 all attendees
All Members (Old and New) and Guests are welcome
Would you like to meet other like-minded women in a friendly, relaxed setting?
Then join us for our bi-monthly informal Catch Up and enjoy some lively discussions, social networking and great coffee.
$0 all attendees
All Members (Old and New) and Guests are welcome

Would you like to meet other like-minded women in a friendly, relaxed setting?
Then join us for our bi-monthly informal Catch Up and enjoy some lively discussions, social networking and great drinks.
$0 all attendees
All Members (Old and New) and Guests are welcome.

We have joined with the Macleay Valley Community Art Gallery (MVCAG) to celebrate International Women’s Day in hosting the opening of a special exhibition of works from women of the Macleay Valley.
The MVCAG Committee invites women to submit artwork in any medium; textiles, painting, sculpture, floral arrangements, wood/metal work, quilting or ceramics for the exhibition.